Value (Optional)


Blocks2Pydantic - Description gotchas

1. {FuncSchema, ChoiceSchema, ScoreSchema} do not like descriptions!
2. If a dict is not directly wrapped in a func or a dict, it needs a description that does not have spaces.

Blocks2Pydantic - General gotchas

1. The only two top level schemas we support are: DictSchema and FewShotSchema (with DictSchema)
2. FewShotSchema cannot be anywhere else other than top level.
3. Function arguments need to be a Dict, and does not have description

Blocks2Pydantic - Errors

1. If you hit 'Error: SequenceHelper( ... )', try explicitly setting 'min-length=N' or 'max-length=N' on your ListValue(). If a list can be empty, you must set 'min-length=0' or empty lists will throw an error.
2. If you hit 'Error: RetryError', this means that one of the 3rd party models returned a response that failed to validate in Pydantic so many times that we ran out of retries and gave up. You can try again, but not much else to do here. Possibly changing the prompt to make is easier may help?